Every Sunday morning at CCLC you can feel the heartbeat of what we are trying to do in the communities we live in.
Our 10:00am service is dedicated to studying various topics in smaller groups to help you walk out the life giving practices we see in Jesus’ ministry. See our “core beliefs” page for more info.
Our 11:00am service time will start with a series of worship songs that glorify our heavenly Father that range from traditional hymns to modern contemporary. We then move into a time of open communion and offering which offers time to meditate and pray on your own. This is followed by The sermon which is is typically 20-30 minutes long and leaves you with a practical application for your daily life. We then close our service by opening the space for you to receive prayer and guidance from our Prayer Team.
In total our Sunday gathering together is about an hour.
Parking Info
As you pull up the winding driveway to our church, notice the guest parking on the right hand side. If all spaces are full there is more on the opposite side of our building.

Space Explantation
As you walk up through the glass front windows of our gathering space you will be welcomed and offered a bulletin. You then have some choices to make….
Do you have Kids? If you would like them in kids church our check-in system is located down the hallway to the left of the lobby by our children's area. They will leave feeling known and loved.

Do you like coffee? Our coffee bar in the lobby is happy to serve you a cup of joe that you can enjoy while you catch up with friends, or meet someone new.
The highlight of every gathering is when we come to the table to share in the practice that Jesus established - eating bread and drinking juice, proclaiming him as Lord. This is open to all Christians.

Every week we will spend time listening to the Scriptures being read and reflected upon with a thirty minute interactive sermon.
Church on Mission
We are sent to our spheres of influence to love like Jesus for the glory of God and the good of others. Would you like to help make this happen? Contact the church and see how you can volunteer today!

Our Church building is open every day from 9:00am to 4:00pm to be of service to you, but there are a few other ways you can see this building in action….
Group's Ministry
Our church is here to Embrace people where they are and give to them Empowering community groups to grow with. These groups meet at all different times and places, each with differing demographics and ages.
contact the church if you would like to get pugged into a study group.
Find our More Here
We are passionate about the next generation. Wednesdays from 4 until 7 you can get a glimpse at how we build up the disciple makers of the next generation.
Find out more Here
"Daily Devotion" is important to us. In the morning we have a men's prayer group, and then that afternoon a Women’s Bible study. Feel free to pop in and see what we discuss throughout the week. Please contact the church if you have any questions of what to expect
Food Pantry
After our men's and Women's Study's we "Serve Community" through our Soul Food Pantry from 1pm until 3pm