What is Freedom? We all have real problems. Yet we find ourselves isolated and alone, incapable of the vulnerably in seeking help to overcome the strongholds in our lives. How do we break the strongholds and experience freedom?
The Place We Start
Start here... Being real with God/ourselves, and being real with others.
Strongholds are those areas of our lives where we hopelessly say , “I wish I could quit ______, but that’s just who I am.” Or “I wish I could be ______, but I’m never gonna be that.” It’s the hopelessness in that mindset and belief that traps us in and perpetuates the lie that we are all alone, What if freedom from those strongholds were possible?
It is, through Jesus.
Claiming Life
Jesus came to give life, and life to the fullest. Abundant life is possible for all of us who are apprentices of Jesus. One of Jesus’ first apprentices understood the power of freedom when he wrote...
“It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows.” -Apostle Paul in Galatians 5:13
Jesus gives us hope in a better tomorrow, hope in a better version of ourselves, and hope in a right relationship with God and other people. We live in that hope when we confess to God and others.
Finding Rest This Week
Freedom is our focus this month, but if we are honest… it’s hard to feel free when all you feel is exhausted. Jesus invites us to find Sabbath in His love and in His presence but we have to choose to see that and claim it on a regular basis. Here are some practical ways to find Rest in Christ.
1) Sleep-revolutionary thought here… sleep helps us find rest. More importantly than that our physical body is tied to our spiritual body. When you are physically tired for long enough, it pours into our spirit. Be intentional about sleep this week.
2) Be Still-Sometimes you just need to force yourself to sit down…. Or lay down. While you are forcing yourself to be still go ahead and make this a spiritual practice and invite God into the space with you, acknowledge that He wants you to rest and gave you this moment.
3) Breathe-it’s amazing what closing your eyes and breathing deeply for several minutes can do for your heart and mind. Have you ever tried? Give it a shot!
