What can I say in the wake of everything that is happening globally? There are many ways to make sense of everything that is happening, but I truly believe it is best if we don’t try to make sense of it at all. The best thing we can do is to let God be God, and let the world be the world. So what do I mean by that?
To put it simply, during this time, we ought to lean into the simple Gospel given to us and let everything else be white noise. The best way to accomplish this is by celebrating what Jesus has given us. I’m not talking about our things (house car, tools, family, etc), I am referring to the ONLY thing worth celebrating in a time like this…. That is Jesus alone. When everything fades away, what still stands is Christ. When all our friends and family have passed away, what stands is Christ. When time has eaten away at everything in existence, what still stands victorious, strong, kind, true, and any other positive description in any language on earth is CHRIST. So what I’m telling you this month in light of everything is CELEBRATE CHRIST AND THE VICTORY HE GAVE YOU!
We are facing an Easter that will look different than it ever has in this country, but He still has victory. We are facing thousands of innocents dead because of an invisible enemy, but He still has victory. We are facing the potential of an economic crisis on a global scale, but He still has victory and that victory is the only reality that matters. THE ONLY REALITY THAT MATTERS. So are these just the words of some young pastor who has no idea what you are feeling? No, they are words from an eternal father looking to protect and guide His beloved children.
READ the following and KNOW the word of God in these times of uncertainty:
READ 1 Peter 1:16-25
READ Isaiah 40:1-31
READ 1 John 4:2-19
READ Psalm 90:1-17
There are words of wisdom to be found all over the world, and the majority of those words do provide encouragement for a time, perhaps even for the length of all time. The reality is that time eventually ends and when time ends the words that will stand are the eternal words of love out of the mouth of CHRIST. Don’t waste your time celebrating the words of men. Spend the entirety of your days CELEBRATING CHRIST. The reality that the most powerful being in existence, the one that is eternal, the one who can speak life, laid His life down so that you could claim something so big that we cannot even wrap our tiny brains around it. There is no end to our Joy! There is no end to our Peace! There is no end to our Life!
Grace and Peace,
Dustin B. Cooper
