Dive in: Open in a prayer. Then talk as a group about the ways God has challenged you in your walk in the last week. Were you able to try our practice "Letter to God"
Read: Luke 15:11-20 & 22-32(consider breaking up the passage among the group)
Dig Deep: *It is more important that you talk, than if you finish*
Question 1: When we see the prodigal son parable it is easy to miss that the older son is never reconciled back with the family. If Christ followers "have never left the father's side" what might the significance of this be?
Question 2: The younger son starts by "coming to himself" what might the significance of this be to the Church or you personally?
Question 3: Read James 4:1-3. Both the older and the younger son of the parable quarrel within themselves about what they "need" because they are not in agreement/alignment with the father. How can you take steps in your personal life to align yourself with the father so that prayers are answered and we ask correctly?
Question 4: Read James 4:6-8. Turning to God and not expecting Him to do all the work is clearly so critical to a healthy spirit. It is also clear that people have always struggled to "draw near to God". Where have you seen this be a struggle for you in your personal walk with God?
Question 5: As our church looks to bring clarity to both those who call CCLC home and those outside the church. What or who do you feel inspired to pray for? Spend time as a group praying for those things or people.
Walk It Out: This week we are focused on “Share Faith” and how that pertains to Share Story. Jesus has freely invited us to come to experience the empowering practices we see in his ministry. One of the ways we can do this is by choosing to practice "Share Faith" in your daily walk with Jesus. If you would like more information on how you can do this you can read the blog on this topic at….
