Dive in: Open in a prayer. Then talk as a group about This month’s EMPOWERING practice “Reconciliation” and if you were able to practice it this week. Were you able to Try our weekly discipline? If you failed or struggled talk about what may have led to that failure.
Read: Ezekiel 37:1-14 (consider breaking up the passage among the group)
Dig Deep: *It is more important that you talk, than if you finish*
Question 1: When you look at the people of God as Ezekiel was asked to look at Israel. What could be seen as "dry bones" surrounding Christ followers today?
Question 2: The word "prophesied" is similar to the word we see in the New Testament "Proclaim". What does it look like to proclaim Gods breath...Spirit... good news, to those who look like dry bones?
Question 3: What would it look like in our church if the image we get in Ezekiel 37 happened? What can we do to bring that about?
Question 4: Read 37:19-22. One of the reasons Israel got to the place there are in during Ezekiel's life is because of the division within the people of God. How does this desire for unity challenge you as you look around at Christ followers you disagree with?
Question 5: Read Ezekiel 22:27-29. What can you do in your life this week to ensure that you, and the Christ followers around you do not reflect this?
Walk It Out: This week we are focused on “Share Faith” and how that pertains to Share Story. Jesus has freely invited us to come to experience the empowering practices we see in his ministry. One of the ways we can do this is by choosing to practice "Share Faith" in your daily walk with Jesus. If you would like more information on how you can do this you can read the blog on this topic at….
