Life has a funny way of teaching you the things that matter the most when it comes to not only your connection to other people, but your connection to God as well. As we step into the month of August we are not in the place that maybe we had hoped we would be. Our leadership team alone had to cancel 6 outreach and discipleship events that were laid out for May-July so one might be inclined to see the past few months a loss. The beauty of the cross is that this is not the case because of the the victory we claim in Jesus name. In my personal life I was forced to cancel an opportunity for my family in Florida to see Rocky for the first time since October, as well as not being able to do so many of the things that I love about summer, and one might think to themselves that all of that is a loss. The beauty of the cross is that this is not the case because of the victory we claim in Jesus name.
Let’s celebrate the victory given, and not discard it to instead see what the world has given us. The world has given us grief, pain, frustration, difficulty, loss…… and so many other words to describe the way I know our people feel. LET’S CELEBRATE…… ESPECIALLY NOW! Why? You have something that so many people do not. Jesus’ victory give us life, peace, joy, patience, endurance, healing, encouragement, wisdom….. and so many other words to describe what I know our heavenly father wants you to realize you can claim today. Yes events have been canceled…. But people are more engaged with the word of God then they ever were when we had “things to do”. Yes my plans were ruined…. But my connection to my family is stronger because of all the extra time we have spent together.
This month…. Each day…. CELEBRATE VICTORY…… BECAUSE……
(yes I would like you to read the following passages)
1 Cor. 15:57…… Romans 8:37……2 Cor. 2:14…… Deut. 20:4…… Rom 8:31…… Phil 4:13……. Rom 6:14…… Rom 8:39……. Eph. 6:10-18…… John 16:33…… Rom 5:8…… Eph. 2:10……. 2 Tim 1:7…… John 8:32-36…… Heb. 7:25-27…… Luke 1:47-49….… Luke 10:17-20…… Col. 2:15……1 John 4:4…… 1 Peter 2:9…. And SOOOO many other passages
Make the conscious daily decision to claim who, and what you are…. a victorious child who is…….. Blessed… Loved… Cherished… Filled… Sent…. Worthy… Cleaned…. Welcome… Alive…. And Empowered. CELEBRATE THE VICTORY YOU HAVE AND KNOW YOU HAVE IT.
Grace and Peace,
Dustin B. Cooper

Well said Dustin