Here at CCLC we believe that we are all family in Christ and do what we can to have all generations of this body together. Regardless of what age range you find yourself in we want to EMBRACE you and EMPOWER you to EXTEND God’s kingdom.

Our adult ministry starts with our Sunday morning gathering where we are together in fellowship. This ministry breaks into smaller groups from there. We want you to find the lifegiving community that works with your lifestyle best. God has a place for you here at CCLC, you just have to find it.

Our Children’s ministry at CCLC (Kids Point) is primarily focused on the learning the biblical stories that teach us the love that God has for each of us, the power of God, and how we should be treating one another. All of our teachers are volunteers that have gone through a background check before being allowed to teach. Each of our volunteers are beyond talented at presenting these stories in a way that it easy to understand and they are so in love with each child growing in his or her understanding of God.

Our student ministry at CCLC (The Journey) is focused on equipping our middle and high school students with a strong faith that can endure the hardships that life throws our way, the biblical knowledge that is needed to tackle those hardships, and the truth of love that our father has for each and every student that walks through our doors.

At CCLC, we believe the Church should extend beyond Sunday morning. The best way to do this, is to intentionally seek to fellowship, worship, and study together on a regular basis.